Product information is generally provided on this site in the form of:
- Datasheets - Many products include a 'Downloads' section which contains links to datasheets, schematics, instructions, software etc. The datasheets will often contain the answer to most questions.
- Data & Descriptions - Every product has its own web page, which can be reached by clicking on the product image if you are in a department listing or search results page. However, generic data such as dimensions, performance etc can often be found in the department description; which you would normally pass through whilst navigating to the full product description page. If you arrived at the product description direct from a search engine, simply use the 'breadcrumbs' located above to work your way back up through the departments.
- Questions and Answers - For every product there is a FAQ tab where you can view previous customer technical questions, as well as post your own question to our technical team.
Need Technical Help - If your question remains unanswered, please post your question using the relevant products FAQ tab. If you have a general question then choose a product from a category that best reflects your application. All posts are vetted before being added to the FAQ tab. Our support team will respond to your post as soon as they are able, often same day and even some weekends and evenings, please check back to the FAQ tab for the answer once you receive an email confirmation that it has been answered. Please do not use the contact form or Email us with technical questions as they are unlikely to be responded to.
Telephone Support - We regret that we are no longer providing telephone technical support. as we were receiving large numbers of time consuming calls asking generic questions, rather than simply reading the product information already provided. However, we will focus our efforts on customers using our product FAQ messaging service (see above). Phone calls to our main sales number for technical support will be referred back to our website to post a question there. This allows time for us to investigate the query in greater depth before replying. We thank you for your co-operation in this as we take great pride in providing the best possible technical support pre and post sales.
If your question is general in nature and does not relate to an existing product, then you can post a question in the most relevant general category below.